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The Skinny Apple

Welcome to The Skinny Apple!

My name’s Caroline and I am what you would call an ‘apple shaped’ woman.  I am 33 years old and currently stand at 5’2 , my weight a whopping 160 lbs (ouch!) for a small frame. Yes, there is a problem! Half of the weight I have accumulated over the past year, which is quite unsettling.

My goal is to find ways to gradually change my unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle so I can attain my goal of weighting 125lbs by early next year. This blog will serve to record my milestones because every little victory is worth celebrating! I know the journey is arduous but with no pain there is no gain, right? I guess this endeavor is more than just about loosing weight, it is also about feeling good within yourself, physically and emotionally.  Maybe someone out there will relate along the way.

There is something else too. I quit smoking cigarettes 2 days, 14 hours and 20 minutes ago.  I didn’t smoke 54 cigarettes and saved $15.20, so my iPhone app says.  It’s called Since Iquit and best of all, it’s free! I believe quitting cold turkey is the best way to go. No pills, no gimmicks. Suffer it and get rid of the nicotine and its withdrawals the fastest way possible! I like to check out‘s articles when I happen to crave a cigarette. It reminds me of my goal to become healthy.

Also, later today I am going to walk and run for 2 miles, I hope! We have a beautiful park that’s perfect for a nice walk. So let’s get on this road to a healthier me and have fun doing it!

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